Air to Water Heat Pumps

Air to Water Heat Pumps

Air to water heat pumps work on the same principles as air to air heat pumps but instead of releasing that heat into a home, they transfer it to one or more storage tanks. The water then can be used for domestic hot water or for heating radiators and underfloor heating in a wet central heating system.


Air to water heat pumps are a type of heat pump that can also supply your home with hot water. They do so by using a process called reversed-mode refrigeration, which moves heat from a low temperature area to a high temperature one. This sounds counterintuitive at first, but it’s actually quite effective for heating your home in the winter and cooling it in the summer.

There are several factors that can affect the cost of installing an air to water heat pump in your home. These include the efficiency rating of the system, the size of your home, and whether you need ducts installed.

Many states and localities offer incentives or programs that can help cover the initial cost of an air to water heat pump installation. These may vary by state and city, so it’s important to check with your local government for specific details.

In addition to the initial installation costs, you’ll likely need to pay ongoing maintenance fees. These can range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars.

Some heat pump contractors also charge additional fees for removing and disposing of existing equipment, such as an oil boiler. This can be an extra $500 to $1,000.

Another option is to combine an air to water heat pump with a separate central system, which can provide both heating and AC. This can be more expensive than purchasing separate systems, but it can be worth it for homeowners who want a more comprehensive home heating and cooling experience.

Finally, many heat pump systems come with a host of bells and whistles that you can choose to add-on or install at the time of installation. Some of these features can include humidifiers, air filtration systems, and UV lighting to purify the air in your home.

The total installation cost of an air to water heat pump can range from $5,000 to $10,000, depending on the efficiency of the system and your home’s location. It’s important to keep in mind that the initial cost of an air to water heat is lower than a traditional oil heating system, so this can be a big draw for some homeowners.

Energy Efficiency

Air to water heat pumps are one of the most efficient heating systems on the market, making them an ideal way to reduce your energy bills and air to water heat pump carbon emissions. In fact, they can cut your energy costs by up to 60% compared with traditional heating systems.

They can also be a great solution for hot water, which is often the biggest energy use in most homes. In fact, a new NRDC study shows that an air to water heat pump can reduce the amount of electricity used to boil water by half or more.

An air to water heat pump works by absorbing heat from the outside air and then transferring it into your home through radiators or underfloor heating. In some cases, they can even heat your water cylinder for hot taps and showers.

There are two main types of air to water heat pumps – split system and mono block. Both consist of an outdoor unit that contains the refrigerant and air to refrigerant heat exchanger, a compressor and water pipes. The indoor unit has a heat exchanger that takes the high temperature heat from the refrigerant and passes it to water that circulates to your heating and hot water system.

A heat pump has a higher Coefficient of Performance (CoP) than most heating systems, meaning that for every unit of electricity used by the heat pump to run, three units of heat are generated. This is because an air to water heat pump transfers heat rather than transforming it from a fuel like regular combustion heating systems do.

Its high CoP means that it uses less electricity than a condensing boiler, so it can offer significant savings on your energy bills. Furthermore, it can be a much more environmentally friendly way to heat your home than electric heaters, because they use only the energy that is naturally occurring in the air around you.

The efficiency of an air to water heat pump varies based on the temperature of the outside air and how well the home is insulated. However, they generally work well all year round and have been proven popular in colder climates such as Scandinavia.


Air to water heat pumps are an excellent alternative to traditional heating systems. They extract heat from the outdoor air and transfer it into a stream of water, which is then circulated through radiators or underfloor heating systems to provide a comfortable temperature in your home.

There are many different models of air to water heat pump available on the market, each offering a variety of benefits and capabilities. It’s important to air to water heat pump choose the right one for your needs, as it can make a significant difference to energy efficiency and your budget.

The first step in installing an air to water heat pump is determining the size of the unit needed. This will depend on a number of factors, including the area of your property and the heating requirements.

An installer will also inspect your building to determine whether it’s suitable for a new heat pump. This will include a thorough inspection of the existing heating system to ensure that it’s not damaged or unsuitable for an air to water heat pump.

Next, the installation process involves creating access points for the heat pump and connecting them to your home’s electrical network. This is a complex process and requires a skilled professional to complete successfully.

In addition to creating and connecting access points, the installers will also weld refrigerant lines that run from the heat pump to your home. This is a crucial part of the installation, as it will help to ensure that your home’s air conditioning works efficiently without any leaks.

Once all of the access points and connections are made, it’s time to install the heat pump itself. This will require a licensed gas installer and a certified technician to connect the components of the heat pump.

Another part of the installation process is installing the evaporator coils. This is a delicate task that requires extra precautions, as it will need to be protected from humidity and damage during installation.

The evaporator coils are located inside the outdoor unit of an air to water heat pump, which is why it’s so important to have them installed by a qualified technician. A qualified technician will replace the old evaporator coils with brand new ones that are designed to last longer and provide better performance.


A well-maintained air to water heat pump will work more effectively and last longer than a system that is not serviced regularly. Maintenance tasks such as replacing the unit’s air filters and lubricating its moving parts can help keep the system running smoothly.

A clean air filter is critical to the efficiency and performance of an air to water heat pump because it prevents dust, dirt, and other airborne contaminants from entering the sensitive parts of the system. Over time, air filters can become clogged and require routine cleaning and replacement.

The air to water heat pump is a complex heating and cooling system that works by taking the low-grade heat from outdoor air and transferring it into usable high-grade heat for indoor use. The main components of an air to water heat pump are a compressor, an expansion valve, a heat exchanger, and a condenser.

Generally, the maintenance of an air to water heat pump is similar to the routine maintenance of any other HVAC system. Annual inspections and tune-ups performed by a licensed professional will ensure that your system is working efficiently, and that all of the controls are functioning properly.

It’s also important to check the refrigerant levels in your heat pump. If the refrigerant level is low, it won’t be able to circulate air properly and will result in a sluggish system that won’t cool your home as efficiently. If you notice that your refrigerant is leaking, you should contact an HVAC professional to fix it as soon as possible.

You should also check the temperature settings of your thermostat and make sure that they are set to the right values. If they are not, there might be an issue with the thermostat wiring. If you are not comfortable with changing the thermostat, you can call a heat pump repair expert to take care of it for you.

Another important maintenance task for your air to water heat pump is checking the water quality in the system. In some areas, calcium and magnesium ions can build up in the system, which will affect the performance of your unit.

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