TOP 5 Mould Parts Suppliers in the United Kingdom

TOP 5 Mould Parts Suppliers in the United Kingdom

IMI plc IMI plc

When it comes to sourcing high-quality mould parts in the United Kingdom, there are several top suppliers that stand out from the rest. From IMI plc to Meggitt PLC , these companies offer a wide range of products and services to meet your specific needs.

IMI plc:

Company Name: IMI plc

mould parts >

Establishment Month: June 1862

Selling Product Categories: Mould Parts, Car Parts Mold
Company Address: Lakeside House, Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Solihull B37 7XZ

Certifications: ISO 9001

Company Features: IMI plc is known for its innovative solutions and reliable products in the field of mould parts.
Contact Information: Phone – +44 (0)1213 447777; Email –

Meggitt PLC:

Company Name: Meggitt PLC

Establishment Month: January 1947

Selling Product Categories: Mould Parts, Car Parts Mold
Company Address: Atlantic St, Broadheath Altrincham mould parts WA14 5GZ England,

Certifications: AS9100D Certified Company

Company Features:Meggitt PLC is a leading supplier of precision engineering components for various industries worldwide.
Contact Information : Telephone-+441614437171|

Smiths Group plc Smiths Group plc

Smiths Group plc :

The brand which innovated forever- Smiths Group Plc since its inception. They evolved as no other company did with their state-of-the-art offerings in both Technology & Security Sectors over centuries now.i.e., since then —

Oxford Instruments Ltd :

From developing advanced technologies like Optofluidics systems up to providing service & maintenance for scientific instruments across different sites globally .They provides complete peace through hands-on Key Account Management responsibility-

Ultra Electronics Holdings PLC Ultra Electronics Holdings PLC

Ultra Electronics Holdings PLC :

Imagine accessing Propelled underSea Warfare Domain Innovations’ result? Ultra Electronics Being Dongguan Jinchen Precision Mold Co., Ltd well-renowned for performance-proven electronics together with mission-critical C4ISR solutions – helping Independent armed Users worldwide!

Spectris Plc :

Offering tailored Insights based Solution Modules ensures Clients save efforts while accelerating Research Precision.Making complex Industrial testing smarter being enabled by Spectris.

GKN Automotive Limited

mould parts Dongguan Jinchen Precision Mold Co., Ltd

What GKN offers imperative answers easily while simplifying Sustainable Program tasks.When dealing multiple Mobility domain projects — they render Automotive Leaders ahead!

In conclusion,when looking for reliable and reputable mould parts suppliers in the United kingdom ,look no further than–IMI pLC,Meggitt PLCSmith sGroup OE ltd.I.tisyou rone-sTOpi-sho––pforeach tag,enjoyingtheadded benefitsofmultiple choices.dependingonyour uniquespecifictionstonnecte dpreference, themtodaytootsensuresmoothasndsuccessfulbusinesspartnershipwiththem.

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