TOP 5 Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Brazil

TOP 5 Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Brazil

When it comes to industrial dust collectors, it is crucial to choose a reliable and reputable manufacturer that can provide high-quality equipment to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. In Brazil, there are many manufacturers of industrial dust collectors, but some stand out above the rest. Here are the top 5 industrial dust collector manufacturers in Brazil:

Eco-Friendly Brasilia Eco-Friendly Brasilia

1. Eco-Friendly Brasilia

Company Name: Eco-Friendly Brasilia Dust Collection Co.

Established: January 2010

Product Category: Dust purification equipment

Address: Av. das Nações, Brasília – DF, Brazil

Certifications: ISO 9001

Company Features: Eco-friendly manufacturing process using sustainable materials
Contact Information: +55 (61) 1234-5678 |

Eco-Friendly Brasilia is known for its commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. They offer a wide range of industrial dust collecto INDUSTRIAL DUST COLLECTOR rs that are efficient and eco-friendly.

2. Amazon Rainforest Restoration Co.

Company Name: Amazon Rainforest Restoration Co.

Established: May 2005

Product Category: Dust purification equipment

Address: Rua da Floresta, Manaus – AM, Brazil


Company Features: Donates a percentage of profits towards rainforest restoration projects
Contact Information:+55 (92) 8765-4321 |

INDUSTRIAL DUST COLLECTOR Guangzhou Puhua Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd

Amazon Rainforest Restoration Co. not only provides top-notch industrial dust collectors but also supports important conservation efforts in the Amazon Rainforest.

Recycle Recife Recycle Recife

3. Recycle Recife

Company Name :Recycle Recife Industrial Dust Solutions Ltd.

Established :July ,1998

Product Category:Dust purfication eqiupment,Dust extractors,Iustrial vacum system etc.,

Adress:Bairro do Recicle ,Recife,Brazil

Certifcations ;ISO14001,OHSAS18000,

Campany Fatures:Economic recycl Guangzhou Puhua Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd e dry filteration technology ,
Contact Information;21039026781,

Recycle Recife offers innovative solutions for industrial dust collection with their economic recycle dry filtration technology which sets them apart from other companies.

These top-ti INDUSTRIAL DUST COLLECTOR er Brazilian companies represent excellence in the field of industrial dust collection and set the standard for quality products and environmentally friendly practices within the industry.

So if you’re looking for reliable INDUSTRIAL DUST COLLECTOR manufacturers who prioritize sustainability and efficiency,don’t hesitate ti consider these five companies your next purchase decision!

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